Mission & Values

St Andrew’s Church of England School motto

Following God’s path to flourish in life

This motto sums up our six core values. They are:








Our vision is to promote an ethos where the development of the whole child is realised through a strong commitment to Christian values. Our diverse and engaging curriculum inspires a life-long love for learning and supports the achievement of each child’s potential. A secure and caring church school community nurtures and celebrates every child’s uniqueness and talents. By following God’s path, our school is dedicated to opening up the world of possibilities for children to experience “life in all its fullness.”

We believe that through these values we can achieve the following aims.

Aims of the school.

•To provide a rich, exciting and creative curriculum.
•To be inclusive and accessible.
•To challenge children to achieve the highest possible standards and fulfil their potential.
•To encourage them to make the best progress that they can in all areas of a rich curriculum.
•To promote and encourage intellectual, physical, emotional, social and creative development within a Christian ethos.
•To cultivate positive attitudes towards learning and the desire to inquire and investigate.
•Pupils will develop responsibility, confidence and a caring attitude towards everyone at St Andrew’s School.
•To value and foster relationships with parents and the wider community.
•To communicate clearly and openly.

At St Andrew’s Church of England Primary school we aim to prepare our students to become good citizens of the future. Through our curriculum we teach pupils British values and how to celebrate diversity. We aim to raise their awareness of radicalisation and extremist views, whatever the source. We have adopted the principles and advice found in the latest version of ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ and the 2011 ‘Prevent Strategy’. These are incorporated into our school policy on tackling extremism.

British Values

At St Andrew’s Church of England Primary School we take very seriously our responsibility to prepare children for life in modern Britain. We believe that British Values “dove-tail” into everything we do at St Andrew’s. We understand that Modern Britain is ethnically diverse and culturally rich. Through our curriculum, our enrichment visits and our spiritual, moral, social and cultural provision we endeavour to expose the children to life beyond the village of Weston. We feel it is vital that our children develop into citizens that thrive in and contribute to Modern Britain.


The children at St Andrew’s experience democracy in many ways:
The school council is elected using a democratic process
Our school values (Respect, Fellowship, Compassion, Perseverance, Thankfulness, Service) all reflect the principles of democracy
Enrichment visits eg to Wroxeter considers different forms of Government compared to today
As well as promoting independent learners the school also provides opportunities for the children to become “interdependent” learners. Recognising the benefits of working with others.

Rule of Law

The children at St Andrew’s consider the rule of law in a number of ways:
The behaviour policy was written, in part, by the children
Our school values encompasses that the Law should be respected
Through Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural studies the children over time consider different aspect of the law eg in RE God’s Law

Individual Liberty

We have individualised our curriculum significantly because we believe that all children are unique and learn in different ways.
Three of our core values particular promote individual liberty: Respect, Compassion and Fellowship. Respect and Compassion for others and the understanding that individuals can come together to make a Fellowship.
We encourage every child to become an independent learner.

Mutual Respect for Others

Respect is one of the corner –stones of St Andrew’s. It is demonstrated through play, work, worship, friendships, relationships. It is one of the school values that really drives what the children do at St Andrew’s.
We aim to build each child’s own self-respect, a respect for their family, for their school, friends and work. We respect the things we value.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

We are aware that as a Church of England school it is important that the children learn about and experience different faiths and beliefs.
Our children are able to talk about different cultures and faiths. They understand that just because something appears different doesn’t make it wrong.