Requesting a leave of absence from school
There are times when a family may need to request a leave of absence for their child during the school term. There is strong evidence that states that if a child misses school regularly then it can have a lasting and negative impact on the child’s education. Therefore, leave of absence is only granted for exceptional circumstances. This does not include family holidays.
Regulation 7 of the 2006 Regulations is amended to prohibit schools granting leave of absence to a pupil; except where an application has been made in advance and that the school considers this to be for exceptional circumstances.
Leave of absence taken without authorisation may be referred to the Education Welfare Service. This may result in prosecution proceedings, or a Fixed Penalty Notice. If a Fixed Penalty Notice is issued, a separate Notice would be issued to each parent for each child.
A request for absence form is attached below along with our attendance policy.
What to do if your child is ill
If your child is unwell, especially having sickness or diarrhoea, keep him/her at home for 48 hours. Please contact the school office on 01889 228769 as soon as possible if your child is not attending school.
We will contact you on your contact numbers if your child is ill at school. Please keep us regularly updated with your numbers.
Occasionally, children may need to take prescribed medicines during the school day. We would prefer these to be administered by parents. Under exceptional circumstances an authorisation slip, available from the school office, must be signed for medicines prescribed by a doctor. Medicines should be given to the office for secure storage and the child must be responsible for reporting to the office so that their medicine may be given safely.
We will not administer eye drops.
Inhalers (clearly named) may be retained in the school office or if appropriate by the child.
If your child has an unavoidable dental or hospital appointment – please advise your child’s teacher in writing and in advance. We politely ask that routine check-ups etc be arranged out of school hours.
CLICK HERE to view attendance policy.