Policies & Procedures

Below you will find links to many useful school policies. Click on the link to view them. If you prefer  a paper copy then please contact the school office. Mrs Hughes, Mrs Cooper or Mrs Palmer will be happy to print you a copy.

Anti-Bullying Policy

There are times when children fall out with each other and an accusation of bullying is made. We take all accusations very seriously, endeavouring to get to the heart of the accusation. By understanding children’s feelings we can resolve issues with sensitivity and care.

Anti-Bullying Policy

If you feel that bullying is taking place in school please click here to download a “Bullying Allegation Form.” Hand this form in and a member of the leadership team will contact you to discuss the issues you have raised.

Attendance Policy

Attendance at school is important. Learning is often sequential and so new concepts are often taught over a series of days. A single day’s absence can significantly disrupt your child’s understanding of new concepts. We ask all parents to inform us of their child’s abscence as soon as possible.

Attendance Policy
Click here to download a Leave Of Absence Request Form

Behaviour for Learning Policy

We believe excellent “behaviours” are at the heart of a thriving school. We encourage the children to be the best they can be, in their learning, in their playing and in their understanding of their place in the world.

Click here to download the Behaviour for Learning Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Children are entitled to a ‘free’ education. There are times however when we would like to offer things we cannot normally provide in school or visit places, we feel, will enhance the children’s education. This policy highlights some of the things we may ask contributions or payment for.

Charging  and Remissions Policy

Child on Child Abuse Policy

As well as our Safeguarding Policy, St Andrew’s has a Child on Child Abuse Policy as required by Keeping Children Safe In Education. This policy recognises that it is not only adults who may harm children. A child can harm another child.

Child on Child Abuse Policy

Complaints Policy

There may be times when you are concerned about your child or would like to discuss an issue with someone in school. In the first instance we always encourage parents to contact their child’s class teacher or the school office. The complaints policy tells you what to do if you are not satisfied with the outcome of your initial concern.

Complaints Policy

Disability Equality Scheme and Accessibility Plan

At St. Andrew’s staff will endeavour to make sure that anyone with a disability is treated fairly and not discriminated against on account of their disability; to make reasonable adjustments for those with a disability and to increase access to education for any pupils with a disability.

Please CLICK HERE to view our Disability Equality Scheme and Accessibility Plan.

Equality and Inclusion Policy

The ethos of the school supports the development of self-respect and self-esteem in all pupils, staff and the community that it serves. This school aims to be an inclusive school which is committed to promoting equality and good relationships. In this respect we aim to meet the needs of all, taking account of gender, ethnicity, culture, religion, language, age, ability and social circumstances. Our Equality Act statement and objectives can be found within the following policy.

Equality and Inclusion Policy

GDPR Privacy Notice For Parents

GDPR Privacy Notice For Parents

Lettings Policy

The school premises is available for lettings outside of school hours – After 6.00pm Monday – Friday. Our lettings policy lists the charges and terms and conditions for bookings. Please contact the school office (01889 228769) to make an enquiry.

Lettings Policy

Mathematics Calculation Policy

The following calculation policy has been devised to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 for the teaching and learning of mathematics, and is also designed to give pupils a consistent and smooth progression of learning in calculations across the school.

Mathematics Calculation Policy

Online Safety Policy

At St Andrew’s we take online safety very seriously. We go to lengths to ensure that children are protected from harmful online content when using school devices. We have a number of policies that we ask the children, staff, parents, guardians and visitors to adhere to.
Online Safety Policy

PSHE and RSE Policy

The purpose of this policy is to explain how Trust schools intend to prepare our children for a future, in which, they will meet people from many and varied backgrounds. People they will meet may have different beliefs and lifestyles. We feel it is important that the children are aware that they are unique and special and that other people should be respected for their uniqueness.

PSHE and RSE Policy – (For Consultation)

PSHE and RSE Scheme of Work – (For Consultation)

PSHE and RSE Scheme of Work – (For Consultation)

Remote Learning Policy

During these uncertain times, it is important we have a plan in place in case there is an unexpected lockdown. This policy outlines our plan should a lockdown occur. It lists what parents and carers can expect, what the children are expected to do and how school is expected to support your child’s learning when not in school.

Remote Learning Plan – October 2020

Safeguarding Policy (Incorporating Child Protection)

Safeguarding children is a high priority at St Andrew’s. We are vigilant in our efforts to keep children safe and happy. This policy outlines what we take into account when safeguarding children.

Safeguarding Policy (Incorporating Child Protection) September 2023

Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy (SEND)

There are times when children at St Andrew’s need additional support. This policy describes the process we go through to provide children with support beyond the normal day-to-day provision.

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy

Unfortunately there are times when the school may need to exclude a child. We will always take steps to avoid this outcome. This policy explains the measures the school will take when dealing with challenging behaviour.

Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy

Visitor Charter

While there is a COVID-19 pandemic, we are taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of visitors, staff and of course the children in school. Therefore, we have produced a Visitor Charter that clearly explains the expectations we have when visitors enter school. Please read the charter before making your visit.

Visitors Charter – Autumn 2020


The purpose of this policy is to make clear that employees can and should voice concerns without fear of victimisation, subsequent discrimination or disadvantage. It is intended that this policy will encourage and enable employees to raise serious concerns within the academy and the Multi Academy Trust rather than overlooking a problem or ‘whistleblowing’ outside the organisation.

Whistleblowing Policy